Kris McDermott

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  • Level 2 gym instructor

  • Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer

  • Level 4 Nutrition coach

  • Level 4 Strength & Conditioning coach

  • Faster Advanced Functional Trainer

  • Kettlebell Trainer

  • Spin Instructor


I’m Kris. I have been heavily involved in sports and fitness almost my entire life with Rugby Union being the sport taken most seriously.

I have been a qualified personal trainer, fitness and nutrition coach for over 13 years and in that time have worked with individuals and groups from all walks of life with varying goals from fat loss to very specific sports strength and conditioning. I’m a big believer in education so am always trying to further my knowledge to help as many people as I can.

In these years and with these people I have developed my own philosophies on mindset, movement and nutrition.

Personally, I have competed in Rugby Union, badminton, crossfit and have taken part in over 20 races ranging from 5k to 105 miles over road, mountains, obstacles and mud on foot, bike and kayak.

I relish any physical challenge and have a real thirst for knowledge when it comes to anything fitness, strength and nutrition related.

I have two beautiful little girls so my main focus on my own training is to be able to do anything they can do as they grow up. After all, who doesn’t like climbing trees?