Forge Nutrition

Food.  It’s fuel for life.  That’s all it really is…fuel.  However, only a small number of people see it in this light. Most of us know food is much more than that.

Food can be, (and it is for me) one of life’s great pleasures.  One should never fully dismiss the foods they enjoy unless it is detrimental to health.  But even then, food can be a great psychological up lifter too.  You can allow for these things as long as you compensate in other areas (dependant on goals)

Don’t demonise foods you enjoy, just be ready and willing to make the compensations you have to.

Whatever you choose to do nutrition wise, you should always have health in mind over anything else.  That’s health over fat loss, health over weight gain, health over aesthetics.  Keep health in mind as the foundation then adjustments can be made to suit your goals.

The internet is awash with ‘gurus’ feeding advice with no formal qualifications or right to do so.  Most people possess some level of common sense, and if you apply it, you can at the very least get the basics right and take it from there.

Pay attention to what goes in your mouth, re-connect the eyes, hand, mouth and brain connection, hire a coach that can guide you through the specifics and details of nutrition and you can see good results……as long as you have dialled in your mindset and movement.