Forge Mindset

It all starts with mindset.  If this isn’t dialled in, you can forget about the other 2 pillars.

Good movement and nutrition may last for a short while, but if your head isn’t in the right place it won’t last long.

You must take a good look at yourself and ask questions. Where are you with your life? Where are you with your health, your fitness and your nutrition?

Look at where you are now and where you want to be.  How far apart are they? What will it take to get there?

Asking these questions will lead to honest self-assessment, and you may not like what you find out.  Use this as fuel for the fire.

A strong mind will inevitably lead to a strong body and strong will. 

Be ready to fail.  No one ever truly learned anything about themselves by winning, or by staying within their safe zone, your comfort zone.  Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Step outside of your padded room and push yourself, put yourself in a deep, dark hole and see what your mind and body are capable of.

Take note, and apply the lessons learned and the mindset pillar will have bigger and stronger foundations than ever before.