Forge - Movement

What most people lack these days is good body awareness and proper movement. This isn’t entirely our fault.  Modern life is set up to watch us fail.  Life now is designed to keep you still, keep you off your feet and on your lazy behind.

You sit in your car or on the bus or train to get to work, you get to work and sit in your terribly designed office chair for eight hours or more.  Then when the day is over, back on the car / bus / train, just to get home and back on that well rested behind until you go to bed.  Rinse and repeat.

Where as not too much in the distant past, you didn’t have to put thought into movement.  It happened as a part of everyday life.  We now have to make conscious effort to move.  To make time and sacrifice that precious sitting down time to do what we as humans are built to do.  MOVE!

And all this effort is made before you even set foot in a gym and navigate the minefields and forests of advice and programs that are thrown at you left right and centre.

Then we get on to movement quality.  We as humans are designed to push, pull, squat, hinge and carry.  Very often, even in a gym setting, many of these movements are overlooked.  Vanity takes over true health, physical capability and horsepower.

Include these movements.  Move with priority and purpose, move for function and the rest will fall into place.